Saturday, March 5, 2011

working out,insanity, and health

      At the beginning of the year, I decided to get SERIOUS about getting in shape and feeling great.  I am sure that every other American had the same New Year's resolution, but I was SERIOUS about mine.  I have always been an energetic girl, but I always put my energy into everything else.  I decided to start paying attention to my health and work on building a healthy heart. Majority of my life I have been fairly slim or small and I have always had a high metabolism. But once I graduated from college and started working a regular 9-5 job I find myself not being as active as I was AND gaining weight AND  that is not cute at ALL. I wanna say that I gain between 10-15 pounds. So far I have lost 9 pounds and inches in my stomach, waist,arms, leg. But none in my thighs. BUT I would like to lose some more weight and inches. My goal is to lose 30 pounds total. I would like to lose 4-5 more inches in my thighs and legs, and 4-5 more inches in my waist and stomach.

      I joined the gym late January 2011, and I found a personal trainer that I have been working with. He is teaching me how to eat healthy and I work out with him twice a week, and I work out on my own 2 more times a week, totaling up to 4 times a week and I typically workout for 2 hours at a time. I keep a food journal and I am eating more healthier. I use to eat one or two meals a day, now i am eating 6 small meals a day. It is def. giving me more energy and helping me.

   As far as working out, I do a little bit of everything. weights, lifting, dancing, jogging, running, A LOT of group fitness workout like hip hop, belly dance, abs and more, yoga, Pilates, etc.and I do a lot of circuit workouts. I am losing more so inches then weight. My goal is to kick it up a notch and work out twice a day 4-5 days a week. I am going to add insanity to my workout plan. I purchased insanity this summer, and I used it for about 17 days and I lost 7 pounds. Not bad for a week in a half. So i figured by eating healthier and working out twice a day once in the morning and again in the evening I am good to go. I will begin my insanity workout on Monday. We shall see.I am trying to look good in smaller jeans and a bathing suit. (which is funny because I dont even swim) My deadline/goal is May 8, 2011. Keep me in your prayers and pray that I stay focus.This is WEEK 6 with my trainer, But tomorrow will be day 1 with my insanity and my trainer. Right now I am just proud of myself for sticking to this goal, and I am working hard to reach it. 

Sean Garrett - Feel Love ft. J. Cole

very cute video and song..... for the first time im in love and i wanna tell everybody, and i wanna tell everyone what im feeling.....

how did i get this look

This is a picture of my hair after I washed my hair and put just the honey hemp conditioner
and this is how my hair looked after i applied the Oyin Handmade Greg's Juice and whipped pudding in my hair and untwisted my hair after about 4 days... I also trimmed my ends.

I hope you enjoyed!!!! if you have anymore question please don't hesitate to ask!!!

you got love -Kindred the Family Soul ft. Snoop Dogg

i love this song and i love kindred the family soul!!!! i wish you guys would come to Virginia!!!!

You got questions I got answers

Natural Hair journey

I have been natural for almost 2 years. It will be 2 years on April 17, 2011. I transitions with braids and sew-ins. My last perm was in October 2007 and I have not looked back since. Below I have created a mini collage and some extra pictures of my natural hair journey from then to now. It has been a fun and not so fun journey.

April 2009-Jan 2010

Dec 2009

Summer 2010

protective style May 2010

2 weeks after I BC (BIG CHOPPED) April 2009

Cee Lo Green Ft Melanie Fiona - Fool For You

I love this song. The words are so amazing!!!

why blog??

Well this is pretty easy. I am the most random person that you will ever meet and a blog is just perfect for such an Organized chaos like myself. I will be blogging about my everyday life activities, hair care, health, and more. I actually had another blog but I forgot my password and the account that I created it go figure. but if you want to know about anything or have any questions please ask away.

Intro Intro Intro IntroDUCING....

My name is Nicole I am 24 years old and I am from Roanoke, VA. I personally believe that Social Work is one of the greatest professions out there and I live to serve and help others!! I graduated from Old Dominion University with 2 B.S. degrees in Sociology with an emphasis in Social Welfare and African American and African Studies, and in fall 2011, I will be pursuing my Masters in Social Work degree. I love to laugh, and I am a pretty laid back, VERY random and Afrocentric person. At a young age I became very active in school and always wanted to be apart of any and every organization!!  Throughout middle school, high school, and college I also carried that with me!!  I guess I just enjoyed it and I loved being involved and helping people!! I currently work at a domestic violence shelter and help men and women reclaim and take back their lives and become more self sufficient. I love my job and I wouldn't trade it for the world! When I am not working, I am volunteering with my sorority sisters, hanging out with my linesisters and friends, and or thinking of different ways to live my life to the fullest.To top the icing on the cake I am a apart of the BEST sorority in world… DELTA SIGMA THETA! That is just a little but about me. Take care and God Bless