Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ne-Yo - Telekinesis

One of my favorite song off this album... Its so smooth. I heard this song weeks ago and I have been on a massive search for it..."LET ME TOUCH YOU WITHOUT TOUCHING YOU..." WOW

Y-CHANGE II = Very Inense!

I worked out today for the first time with my trainer in 3 weeks. We will be working out for 6 weeks again and he will track my progress. All I can say is INTENSE. I burned 824 calories in one hour!!! Insane I know. It was a very intense workout and he def pushed me. I had him measure me afterwards. I am happy to say that in 3 weeks I have lost 1.2 pounds. I am gaining muscle in my arms. And my waist, hips,and thighs have stayed the same since I been working out on my own for the past 3 weeks. I would really like to go down in my hips and thighs. Oh you guys probably wanna know what my measurements I weigh 152.6. My arm is 10 1/4. My waist is 34 1/4 at the navel. My hips are a even 42 and my thighs are 23 3/4- 10" above the knee... Now before I started working out I was at 160, and I lost 4 pounds on my own then I entered into the Y-CHANGE I on Feb 1, 2011 and I weighed 156. My waist was at 37 1/2. My hip was 42 3/4. My arm was 9 3/4 and my thigh was 22 3/4. My trainer told me that I have gained muscle in my thighs, and arms. I kind of wish I wasn't though because like I have said in several posts, I am not a fan of big thighs, bellies,and wide hips. I am not judging anyone who has any those. I just don't like them on ME. Anywho let me get back to work. I looked online and the Internet said that a healthy weight for me based off my size and age. I am suppose to weigh between 112-140. I actually would like to get down to 135 in weight. And A healthy BMI is between 18.5-24.9. Right now I am at 26.9. SOOOOO technically I am slightly overweight. YIKES!!!! I am def. trying to get in the healthy everything by the end of May.