Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolutions: My Silver List

Last year I had a New Year’s Resolution List, and I achieved ALMOST everything on my list… This year will be my Silver year and I will be turning 25!!! I am so thankful and grateful for everything that God has done in my life thus far. I have managed to surpass a lot of my goals and the Lord has opened/ presented so many opportunities that I would have never thought about .I do not have any goals for 2012 because I have achieved so much already. Instead I will create this list of things that I will continue to do in the New Year and beyond. If you guys see me slipping please feel free to call me out!

1.  Continue to workout at least 3-6 days a week, Eat Healthy, Tone all over my body, & continue to lose weight
2.  Join a book club &/or read 1 new book a month.
3. Continue to go to Bible study and Church on a weekly basic.
4. Start Graduate school Fall 2012
5. Get my Sisterlocks and document the whole journey
5. Be a better friend, sister, daughter, and overall person
Thanks for reading and until next time...


I have not been on here in over a month. I have been journeying/ blogging just not on here. But I will. I plan to do more of that in the new year. I will give you all a quick update on me. I am still living in STL.I still do not like STL but I am not a quitter, so I gonna ride this job out until my contract ends. I got a job promotion! I am now an Assistant Coordinator or Assistant Director, whichever name you would like to call it!!! I am still going to start Graduate school in the fall of 2012. I joined the Urban League, got involved with an Alumnae chapter here in Saint Louis, and I am still doing community service in the community. I found a church that I like down here and joined the choir.  I actually brought in the new year at this church! I have been working out and going to exercise classes. To date I have lost 17 pounds and 12 inches off my total body. I did not reach my goal of 30 pounds, but I am over half way there. Hopefully in 2012 I can reach that goal.

 I took my GRE, and since the score was so new, I do not know if I got a good score or not. One of the scholarships that I applied for I did not get. I still have the scholarship that is paying for 3 out of 4 semesters of tuition for my Masters. Which is also why I have to go back to school this Fall. I plan to use my AmeriCorps scholarship to cover that last semester. Speaking of AmeriCorps I was offered to two new jobs through the company, but I declined it. I also use my AmeriCorps money for my first year of service to pay off 3 out of 5 of my loans. What a blessing. I hope to apply to be a GA for the Fall 2012-Spring 2013 term.. Mainly because I do not want to pay/ take out a loan for housing. I really do not want to live on campus mainly because I have not lived on campus since Freshman year. But I will if it means free rent and free food.

I also started a SL blog. I finally found a someone who sepcialized in natural hair. But then I got tired of my fro. I do not how I stumble upon it but I did and I fell in love with them. I got tester locks put in a couple of days ago.If you would like to see that and follow my SL journey please click on THIS LINK. Everything in life is going well. I just need a MAN to make it better. lol. I still date,  I just have not found that right person. I will continue to be patience. He will come in due time. Maybe I am not ready to be in relationship and that's why I do not have a significant other at this time. But that is a quick update on ME!
Until Next Time Folks