Saturday, June 11, 2011

Should Tattoos be accepted in the workplace?

In 2010, when I was preparing to graduate college with my first degree, I had to do a senior capstone project. My groups decided to research tattoos and piercings in the corporate world. What we found interesting was that more people in corporate America have tattoos then those that have more liberal jobs. They just know how to cover their tattoos well. I personally do not have any tattoos, and I have been wrestling with the thought of getting a tattoo because of work reasons. I really want to put the tattoo on my inner wrist. But so many people tell me not to do that, because "its not professional and it would be tacky." I think tattoos should be accepted in the workplace. Employers need to be more open about that. Just because a person has tattoos, doesn't make them a bad person or be the judge of someones work character. However, I may sound like a complete and total contradiction, but I feel like people should have tattoos in moderation's, not just a walking art canvas.
Also check out THIS LINK RIGHT HERE about tattoos in the work place. Its pretty interesting...

A Strong Woman vs. A woman of Strength:

I stole this poem, what?!? it was catchy, at least I told you guys I stole it, I could have just pretended like I was the author and soaked up all the praise for this awesome
A Strong Woman vs. A woman of Strength:

A strong woman works out every day
to keep her body in shape
but a woman of strength looks deep inside
to keep her soul in shape

A strong woman isn't afraid
of anything
but a woman of strength shows courage
in the midst of her fear

Why do Women Hate Each Other so Much?

Women can be very hateful and recently it has really begun to churn my stomach. We can be brutal. If a woman is seemingly perfect, rather than giving her props, we find ways to tear her down, we talk about her and rather than finding out things that are going great for her, we try to sort through and report the negatives.
I dislike the word “hater” but what else can you call it? We tend to aim to kill with our words, back stabbing demeanors and even our quest to harm. Becoming an enemy of a woman is like signing a death threat or volunteering to be a firing squad dummy. We must seek to uplift, to build, to help and to restore. I have done my fair share of gossiping in the past and have said things that have hurt and harmed others, but I have learned this is not the way.

Am I Denouncing My Sorority???—-My Views…

Simply put, NOPE!
I have noticed the changes in the world. Things used to be so sacred, so secret, beautiful and fun and now, those things are everyone’s business. It has come to my attention that now so many people are “coming out” about their torrid sorority and fraternity experiences and are deterring possible new and present members from seeking and keeping membership because these organizations are deemed “satanic” and “ritualistic.” Well my thoughts are that it is in the individual. Many of these organizations were built on Christian principles, pride in different races and ethnicities. Why is it NOW they are so horrible? As someone who had a good experience, I feel that my organization supported my religious beliefs and only interfered if I allowed it. I am sad that these people who leave or openly and freely talking about our sacred information and submitting it to common knowledge. In my opinion, if you leave, leave quietly, not kicking and screaming. What I have noticed that many who go this route have had to leave the organizations because of things they “participated” in or because of other issues. Also there are many non-greeks who have NEVER had the experience….

Does today’s independent woman = the single woman?

In today’s society, women are thriving. We have become bread winners, business owners and executives. It has been reported that women only earn approximately 77 cents on the dollar, when compared to our male counter parts but, that hasn’t seemed to damper the plans, goals, and ambitions of today’s woman.
Many women are bringing home more money than their spouses, all while being mom to the kids, transporting them to soccer games, attending PTA meetings and still finding time to maintain the upkeep of the house and be a wife to their husband. Women are intricate beings, built to withstand, maintain and persevere.
Unfortunately, many of today’s women, in particular, the black woman, are single. Many women are okay with the fact that they do not have a male companion but, to many others, the pursuit of love is nothing unfamiliar.
I pose these question. Has the accomplishment of women, obtaining six figure salaries, purchasing a home and owning a business, without the help of a man in their lives, made their goals for finding a mate…..unattainable? Have we set ourselves too high? Have we set in place unrealistic expectations, when it comes to finding not just any man, but, the “right man”?
Ladies and Gents, what are your thoughts?

The Secret To Getting Everything You Want & Desire

The answer is simple to that question I asked. You were never taught how to get what you want and you were never given the right information. Well I’m here to give you the right information! We all learned the essential things such as reading, writing, walking and talking, but when it came to the important tools of life we were sort of left hanging! RIGHT???
A thing that I learned successful people, those that enjoy the quality of life and seem to attract the things they want are definitely different from those who are unsuccessful, unhappy, and bitter. They think differently and because they think differently they act differently and because they act differently they have a different technique from those who are unsuccessful.
I’m here to tell you ” Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.” ~Jim Rohn~
So you may ask what are the basic fundamentals of success? Well I’m just going to give you 5.

The Right Man

Hey All, I havent posted anything in a while, but this long post will make up for my absent.
I found this online and I thought this was worth sharing.

The Right Man  Author: Unknown
First we must allow our Heavenly Father to do the picking. And second, the decision for a mate must be made on a spiritual and intellectual basis before it's made on an emotional one.

'What about love? Shouldn't that be the third? you ask. No, and I'll tell you why. 'The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9).

The heart is willful and is driven by its own agenda. It does not consider things rationally and intelligently it just loves to love! Therefore you have to point it in the right direction: 'Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life' (Proverbs 4:23)!

Whenever you meet a man, you need to get clearance from God, check out his attributes, and then allow your heart to engage.

Dating exists not for mating; it exists for collecting data. I believe that the biblical design would be friendship, courtship and then marriage.

Friendship is two people walking together in agreement and accountability, learning and growing together.

Courtship follows the mutual agreement to commit to one another exclusively - it is the decisive turning toward the agreed-upon goal of the marriage altar. It is a period of laying a foundation and preparing your life to gether after marriage.

But dating? Well, if you do date, use the time wisely to gather these facts.