Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Embracing Your Beauty: Natural Hair Expo

So I haven't had the opportunity to really blog these past couple of days. Let's do a recap of my weekend! This past Saturday was really fun.I went to a Natural hair Expo. It was really good. It was pretty long though I am not gonna lie. They had speakers, vendors, performances, a hair show, makeup was done and photos were taken. They had a opening act with some little girls performing willow smith song "whip my hair" they had license cosmologist demonstrating hairstyles and they discussed how to maintain your hair. Door prizes were given and  they also had giveaways!I like the structure of everything and everything ran pretty smoothly. So kudus goes to the two women that put it together. I also like how they had different speakers come in and talk about self esteem and HIV/AIDS. I learned a lot at the natural hair expo on Saturday. 1. Being Natural Is More Than Just Hair...Its a Way of Life :-) 2. the definition of good hair: hair kept in good condition regardless of texture. 3. curl definition: product will only enhance the curl pattern you ALREADY have. You can't change your curl pattern using certain products. All and all good times. I came with friends and we all left with goodies and lots of things to talk about!i I hope this expo is something that happens every year


  1. #3 so true. i believed all those "turn your kinks to curls" products when i first went natural. all those products are just glycerin. you can buy that on your own.

  2. you can actually make your own products. I have from time to time.I do try my hardest not to compare my hair to anyone. I really just want healthy thick hair. I always say my dream fro is Yaya DeCosta. But I dont really want hair like her. I really just admire her width. I like thick and big hair. So thats what I want. I like my texture and I love my hair. Good days and bad. I feel like alot of people feel like if they get those products that they will have this really curly hair like tia and
