Friday, April 6, 2012

Lemon water who would have thunk it?

Jump-start Your Metabolism with Lemon Water

Start adding lemon to your water for good health! Lemons are packed with goodness that your body needs.

I have all my clients guzzle 16 ounces of lemon water straight out of the bed. Why? This helps get their engine going by jump-starting their metabolism, digestive system and it cleanses the liver and kidneys. Doing this can help get things rolling in the morning… if you know what I mean. Lemon water also helps with weight loss by keeping the body in an alkaline state. Lemons are high in fiber pectin, which helps keep you full longer. Also, they have a diuretic effect, which helps with water weight gain. Having trouble kicking the pop habit? Try adding lemon to sparkling water.

Here are some additional benefits of lemon water:
• Good source of calcium, citric acid, magnesium and potassium
• Potassium has many benefits, including the nourishment of brain and nerve cells
• Great for cleansing your system of impurities
• Helps with pain and inflammation in joints by dissolving uric acid
• Drink after meals to relieve indigestion problems such as heartburn, belching, bloating
• Helps with gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, gallstones, kidney stones and pancreatic stones
• Fights sickness with its antibacterial properties that control healthy bacteria
• Helps treat sore throat
• Assists in lowering blood pressure
• Helps with asthma, allergies and respiratory problems
• Treats urinary tract infections because of the diuretic effects
• Great for skin and can be used to treat acne and eczema

NOTE: Drink lemon water through a straw because too much can harm the enamel on your teeth!

With all these benefits, you should not sour on drinking lemon in your water.

I am going to give this a try and see what happens! Wish me luck!

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