Boy oh boy do I have a story to tell.
This weekend has been crazy...what started out gr8 almost ended fatal...I have been moving out of my place for the past couple of weeks. My LSs and friends have been helping me and for that I THANK YOU! Saturday afternoon we finally finish unpacking and I take a shower and get dress to hang to out with some girlfriends to eat! We all eat at smokey bones. Then we head to movie.Then right before the movie starts my heads begins to hurt...I thought nothing of. It at worst, and began to watch the movie. Next thing I know I am thinking girl do you have I go what if I do, then I go let's just close my eyes, bc I'm not trying to find out and start having a ceshar right here at the I just listened to the movie with my eye close.(What. then one of my girlfriends go are you sleeping in a joking matter, and I go no my eye another girlfriend(who always has something handy in her gave me a eye I'm thinking maybe my contact is a little dry...nope didn't help...the movie ends I don't know if the cowboys or the aliens won the Heck the indians probably came in and defeated both of My eye was beginning to blur, my friends had to director me as to which way to go!!! It was of girlfriends told me I think you have a migraine, I get thoughs all the time and that action pack movie was not helping...I never had a migraine, sratch that I have never been sick(knock on my wood, your wood, and everyone else too) so she gave me some medicine to take and told me to lay down when I got home...take the medicine was a chore within itself for me...