I have not been on in a while and I would like to personally apologize for that. I have another blog where I talk about my hair, and I answer people's questions about natural hair care. I am not licensed but I gather my information from my experience and information that I find. Typically if I researched it I have the link where I got the information from. But back to my life. So I took my braids out!
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Then I put a new protective style back in my hair
I also got back into the gym and I started working out!!! So far I have lost three inches in my waist, .25 inches in my hips, my arms stayed the same, but I gained 2 inches in my thighs!!!! ugh. That is something that I want to decrease. I want smaller hips and thighs. My trainer said that it probably muscle. A lot of people say that I am crazy, because I want to lose inches and weight in those area. But that is not me. I am currently a size 12, and I want to go down to a size 7 or 9. Below are recent pictures that I took of what I look like now...
I have not ran my 5k yet
However I did find a race to run, that is on July 26th. I am not sure how well I will do, because I haven't really been training like I did for the first one. So I have three weeks to get it together. A couple of months ago I could run 3 miles in 33 mins. So we shall see. I am going to start one week on the treadmill/ elliptical;. and then the next and final week on the road and timing and seeing how I do. As long as I can run this 5k in under 45 mins I am happy. So we shall see.
Also my new roomie in St.Louis, wants me to run in a 5k adventure race in October, so I got to run in at least one before that. So I am excited about that race.
Yeah so that is a quick little update on what I have been doing. Oh yeah I have 47 days left before I move to the "Show Me State"
Oh yeah I almost forgot, I found an amuni chapter and that Soror paid my national and local dues, thank you so much Soror, I really do appreciate it and I am so happy that you helped me out! Because I was pretty low on cash. I typed that up like it was past tense, I am still low on cash! So I am happy to join that chapter!!!! yay for my amazing sisterhood!!!!
Oh And I found 2 other organizations that I want to join when I get down there. The Urban League and Toast Masters. I went to one Urban League meeting down here in the Hampton Roads area and I loved it. So I am excited to join one in STL. I hate being bored and if I am in these organizations, along with Delta and work, I will never be bored!
So I currently work at the YWCA and I love my job, so I was very much interested in volunteering maybe 2-5 hours a week with them. So a coworker/former VISTA helped me find a number for a YWCA in STL. So I called and I inquired about possible volunteering there once I got down to STL. I briefly descibed what I do and what I am experienced in. Next thing I know, the woman on the phone offered me a job there. How cool is that?!? I told her that I already had a job in STL, then she asked me when does my contract end with my new job? I told her then she tells me: "well, we have a program that I would like you to join it is for young women 22-42. I would like you to be a part of that along with volunteering and when your contact ends if you are interested maybe you can work for us!" I was shocked! What a blessing!!! The Lord is soooo good!
Oh yeah I got TWO more things to say. I am not that close with my father or his side of the family so I was able to connect with one of my aunties on my father side and I was able to talk to her. So the plan is to go and visit his side of the family for Thanksgiving! So I am very excited about that. I want to say that the last time that I saw them I was 7 or 8. I am 24 now, so that's a long time. I also connected on facebook with some of my cousins. I do not have a big family. It has always been my mother, my brother, and me. that's it. My mother was in foster care as a child so I have never been to a family reunion or anything because I don't have anyone to reunite with. On my father's side he is one of 7 so he has a big family. So this will all be new to me. I am not use to having a big family and having cousins, aunts, and uncles. I knew I always had them but I never really interacted with them so this is exciting for me. I think that is why I love being a Delta and I loved being apart of my undergraduate chapter, because they were my version of this big family that I never had and also why I enjoy interacting with so many of our old heads.
And lastly education, education, education..I cannot believe that I forgot to talk about that...I am a firm believer in education! I absolutely love to learn! I have two degree now, but I really really want to go back to school and receive my Masters In Social Work! I have already been accepted into a wonderful university and I deferred it for one year to finish out my contract in STL. One of my gr8 friends told me about a very prestigious university in St.Louis,MO. I am now in the process of applying to that school! Now you may all be asking why is she applying to another school if she already got into one already. Here is why.... I am interested in getting my MSW with a concentration in clinical. I am interested in mental health, genealogy, substance abuse, and research... Now I know that is a lot, but this university will allow me to receive my MSW with these different specialise and it all can be acheived in two years! I know that I said this before in previous post, but I am really intriqued my addictions, family/marriage counseling... I really like trying to help adults and teens, not and I repeat NOT children. I also enjoy learning more about aging, because eventually everyone will be old, so you really want to make sure that you have people in your corner that will help make your aging process worthwhile. I finished up everything for the application process, including a 7 page, single space personal statement. Also another gr8 thing about this school is money... they awards over 3 million dollars in scholarships to their students each year, and some recieve 2 years paid tution. They also award AmeriCorps VISTAs with scholarships as well. Now as a VISTA yes I recieve money, but I really want to use my VISTA money to pay off my $13,000 school loans that I have.(not bad for 2 degrees) I just need to round up my references and transcrips. So I will be in the process of getting those before I leave in 47 days.
So yeah that's what's been going on with me!
Be blessed, Thanks for reading, and I hope everyone has a happy 4th of July!