So much has happen this year. I
have been blogging on my other blog, but I
have not blogged on here. These past few months have been crazy. I lost 30 lbs, I moved
from St. Louis, MO to the Hampton Roads area. I started a new job as a Graduate
Assistant and I have some amazing coworkers. I also have some amazing supervisors and employees
under me. And for that, I am very thankful and grateful!
I left my job as an AmeriCorps VISTA two weeks early to start my job as an Graduate Assistant and AmeriCorps informed me that I would not receive my EDUCATIONAL AWARD. But long story short, I prayered about it and told myself that I am child of GOD and I have nothing to fear. AND I AM SO GLAD THAT I DID. The LORD as truely blessed and has continue to bless me. One week before school started, I was rewarded scholarships on top of the scholarships that I had already received before coming to the graduate school. The money superceded the amount that AmeriCORPS was going to give me. Then I was blessed again to land a PAID internship. So to recieve scholarships that paid for my room and board, tutions and fees, books, and on top of that more scholarships and none of them are loans. I am truely humbled,blessed, and Thankful! When the devil trys to destorys, the Lord always swoops in like an eagle and protects and guides me through any and every storm.
I am starting another
new journey as well. I am now entering into my 4th week of my graduate school.
I am currently pursing my Master in Social Work. Social workers take advantage to teachable moments, most of our clients think they cannot
advocate for themselves, but I will never allow them to under estimate the power they
truly have as an individual. True advocacy work is empowering those without a
voice to find theirs and use it for change rather than complain about what
isn’t fair or right with life.I absolutely love my program, professors, and cohorts. I am learning so much! It is def. intense, but it is so worth it. I personally feel that that this program will prepare me to be an extraordinary social worker that are on the side lines cheering and playing the field as a partner in the success of my clients. I am working at a practicum that I really enjoy. So that is a blessing. I hope these next two years go by fast and that the Lord continue to bless me and place people in my life that will help guide me and allow me to grow as an individual and as a young professional. I also pray that that before I gradaute with my Masters that I am able to find employment.

PS... The President of The United States: Barack Obama came to my school and spoke and I was blessed to hear him speak! What an amazing oppurtunity this was my 3d time hearing him speak in person. The first time was in 2008 when he was running, the 2nd time was n 2010 after he won the election, and now again in 2012 as a graduate student. But thats all for now, my family is doing well and I am doing well. Continue to keep me in your prayers. Thank you guys so much for reading and stopping by. Until next time...

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