Hello readers! I just wanted to give you guys an update on my skype interview I had with the Executive Director and the VISTA Supervisor for the job in St. Louis. First off, this was my first time ever in life skype interview. (Man you gotta love technology.) The interview was about 25 mins. and I really think they liked me. I tried to smile the whole time and I thought before I answered each questions. The interview started out wonderful. The first thing that the ED said when the interview began was she was very impressed with my resume and she loved my drive to help others. They asked me some really interesting questions and I feel like I answered them all very well. A couple of questions that I answered they told me that those were the best responses that they had ever heard. At the end of the interview the ED told me that I nailed the interview and this was one of the best interviews that she has ever had. She stated that she loved my confident and my bubbly personality. A interesting fact that she told me was that ST.Louis had a lot of free entertainment and the cost of living isn't bad. They smiled the whole time during the interviews and they appeared to be impressed.A second interesting fact was that the ED is an adjunct teacher at Washington University in St. Louis. A school that I was looking at. So I was thinking in my head and I jokingly said to them. "A possible Letter of Recommendation" I said it in a joking fashion, but I was serious. Washington University in St. Louis school of Social Work is the number one social work program in the United States and they have the gerontology track that I am interested in. I don't want to get excited until I know for sure if I got the job or not. This whole experience is still very humbling and I am very thankful to even make it to the second interview. After chatting with one of my big sisters, I emailed both the ED and the VISTA Supervisor thanking them for interviewing me. They informed me that I will be notified by the end of next week if I received the job or not. I will also interview with the VISTA that is currently in that position now. But I am unclear as to if that is before I am notified if I got the job or not or after they notified me if I got the job or not. Keep me in your prayers and once again thanks for reading!!
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