Friday, August 15, 2014

favor lots & lots of favor

A couple of months ago I posted a message with a simple recap of my year. 2014 is starting to look up. It was definitely rocking but everything happens for a reason. Despite my rocking rollercoaster of a year the Lord keeps placing so much favor in my life and for that I have to say thank you thank you THANK YOU. I start my last semester of graduate school in three days. I am praying that this semester goes by fast and I pray that I have a successful semester and land a job. I currently have a job but the grant at my current job will be ending at the end of the year. So I am praying that I can land job before I walk across the stage.

I have been thinking about relocating for some time now.I just feel that I have outgrown the city and state that I currently live in.

I found a new church earlier in the year and I join. I am actually on the greeter ministry. I start serving this Sunday. I am excited. I really like the church, the peoole and most importantly the pastor..

Although I am so over and ready to graudate with my Master. For the last 9 months my gut has been telling me to pursue my PhD.I have been working on applications and my goal is to send everything off by no later than October 2014. Keep me in your prayers. I am searching for one more recommedation and transcripts.

I got back on the wagon and began working out... Thank God for Groupon... This past month I joined the Cross fit bandwagon.I have been going 3-5 days a week... So far I am down 7 lbs and 1inch) over an inh in my midsection... I plan to next month begin my unlimited fitness  membership (which I got on Groupon) I would really like to get down to 136.

That is my update guys.
Peace , Love, &  Many Blessings

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Where have I been you ask

So it has dawned on me that I haven't posted on here in well over a year. Seeing that I am not really a diary person its kind of hard sometimes to remember to post on here. The gr8 thing about this blog is that I don't avertize this one a lot so many don't know about it. Lol. Let's see well life is ok. 2014 def wasn't my best year but it certainly wasn't my worst. Things are starting to look up. The Lord has placed a lot of amazing people in my life as well as opportunities and for that I  thankful, humbled, and grateful. I started working at a really cool and interesting job. I had a really successful semester despite everything. I have one more semester to go before I am completely finish. Thank God. I have just been networking and praying that the Lord presents more opportunities and def more clarity about my next move. I have an idea on what I want to do next but I def gotta make sure it aligns with what he has in store for me.

 I got a dog close to a year ago. I am calmtaplainting getting a second ome but I could just be talking out of the side of my neck. I love my dog with all my heart. Dogs make me smile. Especially mines. He is smart and is the sweetest little thing in the whole wide world.My friends say I spoil him but I feel like if your dog can't receive the best in life and get endless belly rubs, the best dog food, and dog treats and a nice home to live in then why have one. 

I purchased a new car. My Best friend since undergraduate received his masters and i was able to celebrate that day with him. My other best friend is now a Soror of mines. I was happy to make her dream a reality. I have not been super Delta this past year like I normally have been. I'm financial but just not as active bc other things have taken presecend. I was able to get my mother a dog and she loves her. I was able to see my LS get married along with celebrate with another as she moved to a new state for a job opportunity. I picked up another hobby which was learning how to play the guitar. Def still have my sisterlocks and still love them. 

I love the summer because it allows me to read more for leture instead of textbooks. I have alrrady read one book for the summer and i have 9 more to go. My goal is to have all 9 fininshed by the end of June and work on finishing. Reading 4 more books for the summer. If you guys have any book suggestions please feel free to post. I love it all.

I moved into a townhouse about a year ago.Oh yeah I am still up and down with whether or not I want to lose weight. Lol. I started doing Dr.ian smith super shred and I lost 4 lbs and some inches. I started working out. Not quiet sure what my "goal" weight is... I just know I want to look great when I walk across the stage to receive my degree. 

This post wouldnt be me if it wasnt all over the place. Alot has happened in a year.lot. Anywho below I have posted some pictures of this last year.... Keep me in your prayers and def send postive vibes my way.Enjoy until next time.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Birthday thoughts from the Birthday Girl

A birthday is a day when a person celebrates the anniversary of his or her birth. Birthdays are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with a gift, party, or rite of passage. The celebration of a birthday usually is thought to mark how old a person is, traditionally stopping when death occurs and only stating that if still alive, they would have been (number of years) old. Some contemporary writers ignore this aspect, however, and keep counting the years since the date of birth of famous people, such as, proclaiming that it is Shakespeare's "four hundredth birthday" (although he died at the age of fifty-two) instead of noting that it is the four hundredth anniversary of his birth.

I am writing all of this because it made me think. Before my birthday arrived many people kept asking me what are you going to do for your birthday? Are you going to have a party, dinner, etc. At first I was going to plan a grand event, and then I stopped. I asked myself. Why do people put so much influence on a person’s birthday? Now granted I understand that it is a day that we get older and it is to celebrate another year on this earth. But I am digging deeper. Why wait until an “important holiday” to do what I really want to do or could already be doing now. I.e:  planning a trip, dinner with close friends and relatives, dancing, singing, etc. I just told everyone to give me cards for my birthday. I LOVE cards. Cards are really good ways to express how a person feels. You can write inside of it. Plus you can keep cards forever and go back and read them, if you ever feel down and they pick you back up. It takes time to write and find a good quality card.

I decided that this year I did not want to quote on quote celebrate my birthday. I am happy that I celebrated another year on this earth and I am also happy at where I am at in life. I am happy with the knowledge that I have obtained on this 26 years on this earth, people I have met, the lessons I have learned, and even the mistakes that I have made. I am happy for the people that have pushed me to my limit and help elevate me to be the best person that I can possible be. I am blessed for a loving a supporting mother and inner circle. I am happy and blessed that people have passed down their knowledge to me.  I then in return, I was able to pass that same knowledge on to someone else.  I am happy for seasonal and lifetime friendships that I have made throughout my 26 years on this earth. Each and every person has thought me valuable lessons.
So today I will celebrate and toast myself to celebrating 26 years on this earth. I pray that each day, and every year, the lord grants his favor and mercy on me. I pray that the Lord places me in the path of greatness and continues to place positive people in my life. I also pray that any negativity that may try to come my way that the Lord also rids that. I pray that this year and every year the Lord give me more knowledge. The Lord has done so much wonderful and outstanding things in my life already and I am VERY thankful l and grateful for all the favor that he has placed over me!

Thank you to everyone that sent me cards, wished me happy birthday via social media, or telephone. It really means a lot! I am glad that so many people have such wonderful things to say about me, and I have made such a positive influence on people since being here on this earth. Although today is supposed to be “my day”, I celebrate it with everyone that has turned me into the person I am today. The people that have influence me, mentor me, guided me, encourage me, helped me, gave me advice and even money, and let me know and feel like I can do anything. Your faith and pray in me allowed me to achieve and go after every dream I have ever wanted. So although I am happy to turn 26 years old, i am also ahppy to say that I would not be the person I am today with the help of you! So thank you!
Signed the Birthday GIRL ;)

Friday, November 30, 2012

Just snapping pictures with the president

Yesterday I met the President of my university at a preexam jam. I asked could I take a picture with him. What a wonderful experience! And shoutout to my hairstylw in this picture... Compliments of Faith from Black Butterfly...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Owt & abowt

In one week I will celebrate my 8th month sisterlocks anniversary! This is also another great milestone as well bc I have maintained my 20 + pounds weight lost! In a few days I will workout with my trainer( I won 2 free lessons) and hopefully whatever he teaches me I can apply on my own and drop this final pant size that I gave been wanting to drop. Below ate pictures of me with my LSs & the newest babies to my chapter, and some of my coworkers..

Saturday, September 8, 2012


So much has happen this year. I have been blogging on my other blog, but I have not blogged on here. These past few months have been crazy. I lost 30 lbs, I moved from St. Louis, MO to the Hampton Roads area. I started a new job as a Graduate Assistant and I have some amazing coworkers. I also have some amazing supervisors and employees under me. And for that, I am very thankful and grateful!

      I left my job as an AmeriCorps VISTA two weeks early to start my job as an Graduate Assistant and AmeriCorps informed me that I would not receive my EDUCATIONAL AWARD. But long story short, I prayered about it and told myself that I am child of GOD and I have nothing to fear.  AND I AM SO GLAD THAT I DID. The LORD as truely blessed and has continue to bless me. One week before school started, I was rewarded scholarships on top of the scholarships that I had already received before coming to the graduate school. The money superceded the amount that AmeriCORPS was going to give me. Then I was blessed again to land a PAID internship. So to recieve scholarships that paid for my room and board, tutions and fees, books, and on top of that more scholarships and none of them are loans. I am truely humbled,blessed, and Thankful! When the devil trys to destorys, the Lord always swoops in like an eagle and protects and guides me through any and every storm.

      I am starting another new journey as well. I am now entering into my 4th week of my graduate school. I am currently pursing my Master in Social Work.  Social workers take advantage to teachable moments, most of our clients think they cannot advocate for themselves, but I will never allow them to under estimate the power they truly have as an individual. True advocacy work is empowering those without a voice to find theirs and use it for change rather than complain about what isn’t fair or right with life.I absolutely love my program, professors, and cohorts. I am learning so much! It is def. intense, but it is so worth it. I personally feel that that this program will prepare me to be an extraordinary social worker that are on the side lines cheering and playing the field as a partner in the success of my clients. I am working at a practicum that I really enjoy. So that is a blessing. I hope these next two years go by fast and that the Lord continue to bless me and place people in my life that will help guide me and allow me to grow as an individual and as a young professional. I also pray that that before I gradaute with my Masters that I am able to find employment.      

PS... The President of The United States: Barack Obama came to my school and spoke and I was blessed to hear him speak! What an amazing oppurtunity this was my 3d time hearing him speak in person. The first time was in 2008 when he was running, the 2nd time was n 2010 after he won the election, and now again in 2012 as a graduate student. But thats all for now, my family is doing well and I am doing well. Continue to keep me in your prayers. Thank you guys so much for reading and stopping by. Until next time...